Let's play games!
A tabletop gaming class
I am holding a tabletop gaming class! I love to play games, and am excited to play games with the students. We will play many different types of games.
Children can learn a lot from playing games. Besides for the basics of taking turns, following rules, and good sportsmanship, we learn to think through problems and plan ahead. We learn that sometimes we just have bad luck, and sometimes we get lucky. We can learn math, reading, geography, history, science, etc. We get to use memory, critical thinking, and persuasion skills. We learn to explain and describe items and situations. We learn to work together. We also learn to like each other even after someone upsets us in a game.
I have learned all of these while playing games. I have learned that I can be doing fantastic in a game, then Bam! I can get way behind. But I have also learned that I can start far behind in a game, then can catch up anyway before the end. I love all the life lessons gaming has taught me.
Classes will be once a week in my home in West Jordan. They will be held Tuesdays from 10AM to 11AM. The admission fee is $300. Classes are for students ages 8-12. For now, I am only planning on holding one class. I may add a class if I get enough interest, or have enough students of other ages who want a class. Thank you for your interest in this class!

About Me
Me, myself, and my gnome barbarian
My family loves board games! We own hundreds of games. We love to play games with friends and family. We even make and sell items at game conventions.
I spend a lot of time around kids and am excited to play with them. I worked at my local elementary school for a couple years, and have spent many, many hours volunteering at the school and in classrooms. I am currently the PTA President. Teaching a game class is a new experience for me, and I have been looking forward to it!
My favorite game is The Reckoners, which is based on Brandon Sanderson's book series. I love strategy games and co-op games. I love sitting around a table to play Five Crowns or Pinochle with family. I have recently started playing D&D, and I have a cute little gnome barbarian.